The Blue Marble Report is designed for personal research and information related to climate change, sustainability and the sociopolitical systems that impact or are impacted by those two topics. That essentially means everything related to living on planet Earth.
NEW PULL DOWN SUB-TOPICS WILL NOW BE AVAILABLE UNDER "FEATURES": These will consist of what are considered the "Three Pillars of Sustainable Development". The first is titled "Social" and will consist of all topics related to the social welfare and security of civilization locally, regionally, nationally and globally. The second is entitled "Environmental" and will include related subjects, research and forecasts. Finally the third topic is "Economic" and will include all aspects of the domestic and global economy. My editorial column found at the website will focus on the interplay between these three areas of life that allow human civilization to sustain itself and thrive on a small, finite planet called Earth. These features will be updated continually without notice so drop in anytime. <>