The Blue Marble Team: Our goal is to unite the world as one people; striving for a fair, just, prosperous and sustainable future through education, science and diplomacy. All life is necessary and humanity is a part of, not apart from this fundamental bio-geochemical system.

750 Students at the Hazel Wolf STEM school In Seattle, Washington
BMR Vol. 13, Ed. 1: April, 2022
OFFICIAL unequivocal U.S. government consensus on climate change: (link> NASA)
This is a personal climate and sustainable development research website for people of all ages: Use the pull down menus above and the column on the left for research. On the right you will find news and articles from around the world.
COP 25 fails to make any meaningful progress toward setting firm commitments to reduce global emissions, making 1.5℃ impossible and the 2.0℃ goal even more unlikely.
Links to: What You Can Do:
Project Drawdown World War Zero (Kerry) The Sunrise Movement Global Climate Strike Greta Thunberg Earth Uprising (Youth action) Earth Guardians Cop 24; Kotowice,Poland Juliana Vs. U.S. Gov Climate Reality Project Cities & the C40 101 Ways: NRDC: WarmHeart (Thailand) David Suzuki Foundation: SchoolsUnder2c: MAHB: Stanford U: Climate Access: CoolTheEarth: PlanetExperts: U.N. Habitat: Climate Central: ____________
For Teachers:
* NEA/Climate Change Ed. * NASA Climate Kids * ESD 112 * Climate Protector Acdmy * Milken Institute * EarthDay Network * NPR * Clean * Media Ed. Foundation * National Geographic/ED ____________
* Natl.Cntr.Enviro.Info. * NOAA Arctic Report Card 2019 * DoD 2019 Special Report * NOAA * NASA * USGS * 4th National Climate Assessment 2018 * * Global Carbon Project * Clean (Edu. help) * World Organization Top 100 * ClimateTime (Washington State) * IPCC Report "Global Warming of 1.5C * IPCC 2019 Land Use Report * 2018 U.S.Energy/Jobs Rep. * Yale Environmental Performance Index * Review of environmental economic policy (Oxford) * UN FAO (Food Resources) * CLIMATE CHANGE (NAS) * Stern Review Economic Report. * European Commission - Adaptation * EU Adaptation Strategy * Effects of Drought on Forests and Rangelands: * Vulnerability Assessment Fish and Shellfish to Climate Change * The Carbon Brief * Opportunities and Challenges for Business and Industry * Climate Change Index Results 2014: GermanWatch * What We Know: AAAS * IPCC AR5 Working Group 1; Summary for Policy Makers: * IPCC AR5 Working Group 3; Summary for Policy Makers: * IEA 4 Energy Policies to remain below 2℃: * Ecosystems and Human Well-Being * Global Ocean Commission: "THE FUTURE OF OUR OCEANS" Next steps and priorities. * Millennium Ecosystem Report: ____________
* Beyond Carbon (Bloomberg) * Internatl.Energy Agency * Sidney Environment Inst. * CleanTechnnica * Climate Justice * WorldFoodClock * Smith School of Enterprise & Enviro: * Stockholm Resilience Center: * The World Meteorological Organization * The Daily Planet * Skeptical Science * Navdanya * U.S. EPA * NOAA * NASA * DoD/Climate/Security * China Met. Admin. * * Met Office/UK * * Global Carbon Project: * International Energy Agency * Global IGBP Change * Future Earth * Convention on Biological Diversity: * GLOBAIA * Max Planck Institute ____________ |
COP 25 - Madrid: All politics and no science. There were NO scientists at the main multi-national presentations. NONE! The only scientists giving presentations were at the public meetings. The big deniers like the U.S., Australia, Saudi Arabia and half a dozen other rich nations have corrupted any tangible progress.
It falls to activists, NGOs, Scientists and the business community to put talk into action. Politicians and governance has failed. COP 25 - Madrid: (begin @ 13 minutes)We have less than 8 years left before we exceed our carbon budget to stay below 2℃. If the world performs as they pledged in Paris before mid-2020 there is a 50/50 chance we can remain below the target of 2℃. However, emissions continue to rise and even accelerate in the largest emitting nations, especially the U.S. If we continue on that path we will reach 4℃ or more by the end of the century. Earth has not seen that in the past four million years. Johan Roxstrom, Director Potsdam Research Institute, warns that 9 of 15 planetary systems that make Earth habitable are already moving toward destabilization. We must alter human behavior immediately or face the end of life as we know it.
Image credit: IISD Reporting Services World Scientists' Warning of a Climate Emergency: November, 2019, "...more than 11,000 scientist signatories from around the world, clearly and unequivocally declare that planet Earth is facing a climate emergency." This is not a narrow group of "climate alarmists" but actual professionals warning the world of the imminent existential threat of climate change and collapsing planetary systems that civilization relies on for its very survival. According to a special 2018 IPCC report we have less than a decade to reduce global CO2 emissions 45%. An effort greater than that of WWII will be necessary. This is a crisis, not a pressing or even an urgent issue. Survival of hundreds of millions in the next decades depend upon it. By the 2100 billions of lives will depend upon immediate action. If the world does not face the fact of the crisis they are committing "futurecide" to all future generations.
Climate Change Jumps to Biggest Risk for Insurers: A new report, says climate change is now the number one concern for North American insurers." Max Rudolph, Society of Actuaries and author of the report, said; "Climate change took the biggest jump this year of I believe any risk that I can remember, seeing it jump from 7 percent up to 22 percent." He continued, "My personal opinion is that this is a case of the risk managers catching up to the actual risk that is out there." It is hard for risk managers to avoid thinking about climate change, especially when people want to rebuild in storm and flood areas.
Photo credit:U.S. Coast Guard, Petty Officer 1st Class Stephen Lehmann Nature’s Dangerous Decline ‘Unprecedented’; Species Extinction Rates ‘Accelerating’: One million species in danger of extinction. Nearly half of all insect species, including critical pollinators are disappearing. Fisheries, mammals, birds and over 40% of amphibians are gone or in imminent danger of extinction, higher order predator species from killer whales to hawks are declining. As the climate changes conifers and deciduous trees are more subject to disease and infestation as well as deforestation from timber harvesting and forest fires. Total extinctions could reach as high as 50% by mid century.
Greta Thunberg speeches links: No one says it better than Greta.
COP 25 Madrid European Economic and Social Committee 2019 World Economic Forum 2019 EU Members 2019 French Parliment 2019 U.N. New York 2019 Photo credit: India today Earth Guardians: "Earth guardians inspires, galvanizes, and trains diverse youth to be effective leaders in the climate, environmental and social justice movement - using art, music, storytelling, civic engagement, legal and direction to advance solutions to the critical issues we face as a global community."
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (pronounced 'shoe-tez-caht') Youth Director for Earth Guardians Resistance to reality and the Dunning-Kruger Effect: This is the field of psychology where people have an illusory sense of superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. Those with little knowledge of a subject may accept it or reject it with little actual grasp of the facts. This is commonly seen on both sides of the Global Warming and Climate Change issue. Those with the least knowledge are often the most convinced their view is the most accurate. President Trump has almost no actual experience with climate science yet he rejects expert advise from 13 Federal Agencies. The debate seldom focuses on objective fact though a successful resolution demands that it should.
4th National Climate Assessment!!! The National Climate Assessment is compiled from 13 federal agencies to advise the Congress and Executive branches of government in setting policy. This time the advice is a dire warning that failing to act immediately will collapse the economy and threaten the wellbeing of the public.
Ocean Warming Faster Than Thought: "About 93% of the energy imbalance accumulates in the ocean as increased ocean heat content (OHC). Recent observation-based estimates show 40% increase in warming of Earth's oceans over the past few decades. This warming has contributed to increases in rainfall intensity, rising sea levels, the destruction of coral reefs, declining ocean oxygen levels, and declines in ice sheets; glaciers; and ice caps in the polar regions. Recent estimates of observed warming resemble those seen in models, indicating that models reliably project changes in OHC."
Credit: How fast are the oceans warming? Authors;Science 11 Jan 2019: Vol. 363, Issue 6423, pp. 128-129 DOI: 10.1126/science.aav7619 Alterations to seabed raise fears for future: "The ocean floor as we know it is dissolving rapidly as a result of human activity. The seabed plays a crucial role in controlling the degree of ocean acidification by neutralizing the acidity of the water. But due to human activities, the level of CO2 in the water is so high, and the water so acidic, that the calcite on the ocean floor is simply being dissolved. Maps showing areas of the seafloor which have been afficted, to varying degrees, by the increasing acidification of the oceans as a result of human activities." McGill University: Image Credit: McGill University MAHB Stands for the Millennium Alliance for Humanity and the Biosphere. "The goal of the MAHB is to create a platform to help global civil society address the interconnections among the greatest threats to human well-being" It seeks to reduce humanity's ecological footprint and social inequities before environmental degradation poses too great of a threat to civilization. On the left we see Sonam Futi Sherpa, just one of a number of students and researchers monitoring the impacts of climate change on the economic, social and environmental factors of sustainable development in the Himalayas. These feet on the ground are major contributors in the alliances supported by the MAHB and Stanford University.
Photo credit: Sonam Futi Sherpa Trial Date Set for Children's Climate Lawsuit Against U.S. Government: Twenty one children and young adults have brought a lawsuit against the U.S. Government (Juliana et al v. United States)The trial started Feb. 5, 2018 in Eugene, Oregon (court documents) It has now advanced to the U.S. Supreme Court. The suit seeks sweeping changes in government programs that subsidize or foster fossil fuels development. Continuing support of fossil fuels is seen as a threat to the health and security of their and future generations. Fourteen year old Jayden Foytlin has suffered more than most from the direct consequences of climate change. She has seen storms and had her home repeatedly flooded by storms. She is only one of the plaintiffs in a case that promises to be one of the most surprising and globally significant cases of our time. Picture credit: Generation Anthropocene takes charge of their future: Washington state high schools reject President Trump's withdrawal from the Paris Accord. Tesla and Mount Si High Schools have undertaken to reduce emissions anyway. Their goal is to unite schools in Washington state, the nation and the world. It sounds extraordinarily ambitious, but in a few short weeks they have enlisted over 20 high schools around the state. By the end of the 2017/18 academic year they intend to unite thousands of schools around the world. They offer a free guidance to lower a schools carbon footprint. Stand back, young people are on the march.
Climate Change And Poverty Are As Much Of A Threat As Terrorism For Many Young People: Many adults view terrorism as the greatest threat. A growing number of young people in the UK and around the world view climate change and poverty as their greatest threat. These young people are often more informed and attuned to international events and the future than their parents.
Empower Generation seeds and supports women-led clean energy enterprises serving the energy poor. By providing education and clean energy technology to women they reduce deforestation and the use of fossil fuels. This improves health by reducing household fumes from smoke and gas fumes. It reduces female labor in acquiring wood and dung fuels, that take away from improving home hygiene and child health care. It enables clean energy technology suppliers to reach remote markets where there is high demand for their products.
Ice melt, sea level rise and superstorms:
evidence from paleoclimate data, climate modeling, and field observations indicate that 2◦C global warming is even more dangerous than previously thought. There is evidence of ice melt, sea level rise to +5–9 m, and extreme storms in the prior interglacial period that was less than 1 ◦C warmer than today. Human-made climate forcing is stronger and more rapid than paleo forcings, but much can be learned by 5 combining insights from paleoclimate, climate modeling, and on-going observations. Guide to Climate Change Adaptation in Cities: This guide was prepared by the World Bank. The complete guide is available in pdf at the link provided above. Cities are leading the way in funding, technology and innovation in addressing adaptation to global warming and climate change. This guide provides a pathway ahead for municipal planners and policy makers to secure a safer and more prosperous future in an increasingly unstable and changing environment.
U.S. Department of Defense has released a new directive: "Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience." Available free in pdf at the link above.
United Nations Climate Change News Room: Get the latest news and links in the international scene on climate change policy and planning.
"How Close Are We to "Dangerous" Planetary Warming." We have only a few years to reduce carbon emissions or we zip right past 2℃. Estimates of the time we have left depend upon when we start measuring emissions. Professor Michael Mann says we left pre-industrial norms around 1775. We should reach 2℃ at around 450 ppm. We're already over 421 ppm or committed to about 2.7℃. At our current rate of increasing emissions, we are between five and seven years before we will lock in >2℃. To stabilize warming at 1.5℃ we'll have to remove carbon dioxide already emitted. Both options are increasingly unlikely given the present state of politics and economic pressure from fossil fuel propagandists.
Previously published at Planet Experts. Three Reasons Why Global Warming Endangers The Planet: The problem of global warming will not magically stop at the turn of the century. Even if all emissions ceased today, we are more likely than not to see warming continue at a gradually slowing rate for centuries to come. Carbon dioxide is only one of several greenhouse gases (GHGs) in our atmosphere. It isn’t even the most potent. The problem is that CO2 remains a long time. The CO2 emissions we put out today will take many hundreds of years to dissipate.
Originally published at Planet Experts. U.S. Global Change 4th U.S. Climate Assessment: "Climate change is the defining issue of our time and now is the defining moment to do something about it." The changes we already see are permanent. The continuing costs of remediation and adaptation will now continue indefinitely, reducing available funds for a sustainable civilization and all life on Earth. The emergency action necessary to slow this man-made catastrophe, "... will require an unprecedented effort from all sectors of society." The Keynote speaker will be Greta Thunberg (Nobel Peace Prize Nominee).
Location: New York City, NY |
Global Warming causes Climate Change. Climate Change causes Climate Disruption. Learn the facts from scientists not talk show entertainers.